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Quick Update: Saturday September 14, 2024: This past summer did not go the way we planned, many roadblocks, many unforeseen affairs.  My mental health was not in a good way.  Took some time off work for Holiday, a surprising recharge that put me back on track with creativity.  Monday September 30, (fingers crossed) David should be posting updates/pics/vids almost everyday, it's time to make it happen, now.  Stay strong creators, authors, designers, founders, producers; I have confidence in your abilities to mold the future.

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Quick Update: Monday April 8, 2024: David is outside attempting to record a "video" during the solar eclipse.

Thank You Pinterest !!!

Thank you to anyone and everyone on Pinterest that viewed our pin called:

 “Sun 10/27/2024 Update One”


We here at Paper Grid Studios are very very grateful to the 17,335 impressions that this video generated


David will be filming a new thank you video within the next two weeks or so


We Thank You on Pinterest for giving us positive motivation going forward

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